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(1 edit)

Hey there Qiu Jiu, I got your game for judging so here are some of my thoughts. Turning MZ into a roguelike shooter is impressive! Playing as a living planet challenging other planets and space objects to become stronger and unlock more of the story is an interesting idea, but it feel a touch disjointed to me. I'm not sure if it was because of how the story was delivered or if I just missed something early on, but I wasn't sure why I was trying to destroy all these other planets instead of just moving away from them.

Collecting powerups to make facing off against new enemies is fun, but the combat itself was a bit boring after I gathered a few powerups. I ended up getting a lot of the projectile size increase powerups early on, so I equipped them all and ended up blowing up entire rooms before I even made my way fully into them. By the end of the game I think I was doing too much damage, since the popups were often displaying 0123456789 instead of a lower number. I blew up the sun in something like three shots, which was rather anti-climatic. Having powerups that you can change out whenever you want is a great idea, but maybe having a limit to how many of a certain type you could equip at once would be good. That would let people still make powerful builds, but without making it so strong that the enemies aren't a concern anymore.

Health could also use a limit, since my health bar extended out passed the right side of the screen so I'm not sure how much health I really had. All I knew was that I didn't have to worry about enemy attacks, so I stopped dodging pretty quickly. If there had been a limit to the amount of health I could have, then I would have tried to play more carefully and planned my attacks and moves more. I still enjoyed roaming the maps to blow up the enemies, but I wasn't worried about anything after beating mercury.

Overall, I liked the idea behind the gameplay but think it could use some more polish. Here is my final scores for the game, did I do well, or terribly?