Hey there KV_Kingdom, I got your game for judging so here are some of my thoughts. I'm a sucker for a good clicker/idle game, so you can imagine how pleased I was to see this game! The mechanics work pretty well and the silly story is perfect for the game, all while still giving the player a challenge so they can't just coast through the game to a good ending. I managed to defeat the demon king my first playthrough and then had to play it again to see what would happen if I didn't do anything (and I wasn't disappointed!).
I did have a few problems with the controls, where I would think I clicked on a skill and move to the next party member, only to realize that I must've missed. Having the button area be larger, such as including the skill name, could be nice but isn't a necessity. What I really would have liked is a number under each party member so that I could know exactly how much damage everyone was doing. I know I could estimate going off the number of times I clicked a skill, but there's just something fulfilling about seeing the damage amount for each character go up separately. It also could've helped when I was panicking towards the end of the time limit, so that I could more easily tell who needs buffed. But those are just nitpicks, it's clear that you had a goal for this game and you nailed it.
Overall, this was a fun and definitely unexpected game to play. It does seem like you could do even more with this idea and tweak certain things to make it an even more fun and crazier adventure, so if you decide to stay with this idea for a little longer I'd love to see what comes next!