Hey there Nowis-337, I got your game for judging so here are some of my thoughts. Playing as a young hero-to-be is a lot of fun, and while I saw the twist coming it was still well done and solution to defeat the demon lord in ending 1 was perfect. The art worked perfectly with the silly story and combat, and it was great to see the newest sword addition after absorbing enemies. Combat felt a bit rough in certain parts (dodging attacks wasn't the easiest thing), but that's a minor nitpick compared to the fun I had.
After seeing the special item in the item shop I knew that would lead to a second ending, so I saved that until after I got ending 1. And it did not disappoint! The only issue I had with it is that I wish it sucked in everything, including houses, just because that would have been hilarious.
Overall, great job on your game! You obviously had a plan and made the game you wanted without letting things spiral out of control.