Pregnancy is something I'm considering but I don't plan too far ahead when I work on these stories. Once a girl is pregnant, it will dramatically affect the story moving forward. It's not something the player worries about much, but from an artistic standpoint it's a very big deal. All the creative responsibility to propel the story forward falls on me. For the end of a story, it's not a big deal. But this is going to be a trilogy, so if one of the girls gets pregnant now, that's going to massively impact Over the Moon (the sequel to AMoB). So all I can say for now is... we'll see. I'm going to try, but I don't want to sacrifice one of the girls on the alter of a fetish and not be able to explore her more. A child is a massive responsibility, and that's not something I'd glaze over in the story.
I'm mostly recovered from Covid, just feeling the post-Covid exhaustion. I appreciate the words of good will, I hope there's no lingering symptoms. So far, so good. Thanks for playing and be sure to check out the Discord channel if you have a chance.