Thanks for taking the time to respond. I do however want to stress that the game is currently in alpha stage, so most stuff is not ready.
Tutorial: when you start up the game the chat states how to open the help screen
Creation of items: you can find rocks and sticks and create an axe. Torches are not yet in the game, but I like that idea.
The inventory screen shows your hunger and thirst, but only when they need attention. Same goes for bleeding and sickness.
The map in the game is a paper map. It does not show your location, just like in real life. Besides, the map is not that big, and there are plenty of items to tell you where you are. There is also a road all around the island which makes navigation easier. Lastly, the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west. You can use that too. Survival.
Zombies drop items. It's just not common. Only the hospital patient zombies drop bandages.
You can craft entire houses from wood already. Did you look around the island? :)
Again, thanks for commenting, but from what I've read you've not played the game enough to form a well formed opinion.