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Thank you so much for sharing! 🥰 I hope you've had the time to rest your hands! (And now you've got a cool key! One day I will have a collection of cool old keys.)

Do you have any particular moments/experiences your character had that you'd like to share? Absolutely no pressure, but I'd genuinely love to hear about it! (You could even email if that'd be more comfortable!)


Sure! I made her a peasant girl living on an apple orchard with her family. As the days went on, the realization of who he actually was took its toll on her; she genuinely loved him, and was completely heartbroken that it was all a lie. But she wasn't about to let her love for the person she thought he was stop her.

I set up a couple different plot threads in case I wanted to explore them later and tie things together, but the one that came in handy was the mention of Carlisle, the doddering old head butler--along with the first wife's affair with a mysterious man known only by his initial, 'C.' I 'cheated' a little bit by writing a custom ending without actually 'earning' it (I'd severely underestimated how long one Wretched game would take without the Ace of Hearts on top of the deck and needed to have the table cleared by the next day 😅) where Bluebeard came back and was about to strike down my girl, only for her to be saved by Carlisle finally taking his vengeance for his murdered lover all those years ago. 

My parents are encouraging me to make it into its own story, which I'm considering. I'm also going to play more games for 'real', so there will be more wives of Bluebeard to come! :D


Oooh! The story sounds absolutely wonderful! I'm with your parents - you should definitely expand on it! I hope you have a lot of fun the next time you play too! (And I'm always down to hear about what happens!) Thank you so much for sharing! 💖