I have finished the 1.12 demo yesterday. I saw a few bugs/troubleshooting so I report them. They might be corrected with the new version but in case they are not ...
- It is possible to remove some of the equipement of the protagonist's parents.
- They are items in Lagoda's library (a ring and a few coins). The scenes in which you get them is repeatale indefinitevely.
- In the cellar quest there is a message telling you to take the first door. The message is repeated on every tile in the column even if you have already seen it.
- The portrait of the priest change during the meeting with the mayor.
- In the northern forest just before meeting Milena you have to fight a wolf. There is a space between the end of the stair and the wolf so it is possile to bypass the fight (and Milena won't join you)
- The foxglove plants stays in the inventory even after giving them to the merchant in order to have medecine.
- In the Monk gloves description the term martial is written "matrial"