Nice cute little game!
Visuals were nice, and all fit nicely together.
I think that the dash is a cool idea, as well as the other movement types of Luna. I think this game would be great if you could have lots of control over Luna's movement. So, like how many cats do, if you hold the pointer in a singular spot for long enough, that is what will start a pounce. And the pounce will be in the direction of the pointer. Then maybe if you move the pointer too erratically, they won't be able to follow it and possibly lose interest.
I mostly found whenever Luna started a dash to be the only time to click the falling objects, would be cool if there were more strategic opportunities to switch off of controlling Luna and clicking the objects. Maybe if Luna gets a fish it will stop her from moving for a short time because she needs to eat it.
Surprising to see this not be made in a game engine, hopefully it was a fun challenge you put on yourself.
Although, I don't see how this fits the theme.