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I did want to add an ending but decided it would take too much work and that only like two people would ever see it, so it just loops endlessly.

Did you work out how to take two items from the first shop? I was wondering if anyone figured that out

oh, it's a pity to hear that. My best score was over one hundred and ten thousand today XD. I thought it would have an inspiring ending like BlackBird.

I didn't work out how to take two items from the first shop. 


An idea for an ending I had would have objects at each shop after looping where you can store lives, after you die it would take you to a final boss stage where you would regain all the lives you stored and depending on how many lives you have after you defeat the boss it would reincarnate your spirit as different creatures. It would have been really weird and taken months to make so I decided to just release the game instead.

And in the first shop all the items linger for a second after you take one, jumping out the side of the bubble and using your momentum to gain enough speed you can get a second item before they vanish.

Nice ending!