I beat the first 3 (or 4) Levels and i figured I could outrun most enemies. There those with tentacles, which would have prevented me from doin this, if I where to let them coming close.
I figure that NAV points a quite a simple goal compared to TG where you don't know where to go and if how to get there. Something in the design has to change if you want to follow the same path (and I dont mean only the pace). In TG every room is danger, but not entering a new room keeps you relativly save (at least in the beginning). It's basicly running into traps knowingly. Stealth, or enemies hidden, in / behind behind rocks could achieve this. Also small corridors in depres or enemies that are much faster once set of. creating arenas was not the Idea of TG and does fit into this game even less, so "doors" or forcefields feel like being out of the question. Make enemies stick to me, or blind my sensors or call big brothers would fit the theme much better. TG is a game about reacting most of all.