The game idea is quite interesting, but lacks some fine tunning and polishing. A few things:
- at the initial screen for the user to understand the mechanics, seed blits under the right-most column of land patches
- Failing an impact leaves you “seedless” and you die… maybe some seed spawning or a few seeds in your pocket (kind of “lives” concept) could ease that as the randomness of the seed does not help to strategically use it the best way
- Maybe having a hint on the actual seed result could improve the strategical aspect of the game
- landing the seed offcentered and acrros 2 land patches does not bloom it, so precision is maybe a bit too picky in a fast paced plant-and-fire context
I hope the comments feel useful, the game idea is very nice, just requires a few more iterations to grow to full potential I’d say. Excellent job with that!