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Great work on this project overall! I was never able to find the backup generator, but luckily there's a bug that if you jump beyond the fence and talk to the store clerk, you can come back to your house and head out to the city.

I really enjoyed the mini game experiences... driving, knife fighting, wall climbing, zip-lining, dialogue timer, and of course exploring! That all being said, I cannot help but think this is not a project you made for this particular jam because the theme is loosely tied to the work. However, regardless, this is a great project with amazing lowpoly art (why are there so many expensive race cars in this town!?!?)

Great work, and congratulations on submitting!

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and thank you for the kind words :) I did do some devlogs (which i never finished :P)  on my progress if you wanna check those out. I tried to base the story around summer but I guess I could've added some more mini-games relating to the theme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks again, this was super fun :DD

(I have no idea why there are so many expensive cars in the town xD maybe people just work all day cause they can't go outside haha)