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I wish I could only have that kind of artist in my team (I wish I could ever have a team, lol). The style of this game is just perfect considering it was drawn with a mouse! For years I've been trying to learn drawing, I even bought a graphic tablet but every time I tried to do create something I ended up with crap. So, it seems that it's just not for me. Your artist has golden hands, don't let her talent go away!

Other aspects of the game are cool too. It has a charming atmosphere. I was completely relaxed during the game (I think, nothing can make you feel more relaxed than beating monkeys while listening to that monk background music :) ).


Dude, you literally said my story! i have a tablet too, i draw some very small things sometimes but it's it always crap and i don't really have much time to try and improve it :D Be sure i'll let my friend know that you think the same way as i do! Thanks for playing! :3