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Letters from a lost time

by dreamer1988

Hey there dreamer1988, thanks for submitting a project to the 2022 IGMC. I'm Drifty and I was asked to judge your game in round one of the IGMC 2022 game jam. Here's some feedback about your project.

Walking feels very slow, but I can understand that increasing it by one setting would make it feel too fast. This is just a limitation of VX Ace.

I find it funny that grandpa lost his marbles, as that's a saying for someone who went crazy.

I appreciate the fact that the controller works in this one, as not all VX games will allow for that to work.

The music selection is good, but there is a slight lack of sound effects in some areas that could be used to take the immersion up a notch.

The idea that you have to do everything in a very specific order really slows down the game and creates a scenario that makes the player backtrack over and over.

The story itself isn't bad, but it's in desperate need of an editor that has a firm grasp of the English language. 

Ultimately what this boils down to is boring gameplay. You slowly walk everywhere on the map to locate a hidden switch event, then repeat this over and over on the same maps. Tie this together with the fact that you have to hold the action button to 'dash' with no setting to just turn that on and you create an unpleasant experience. 

This is just my opinion as I'm not a fan of these 'find the switch' story games and some people may genuinely like this game.

I hope that you keep making games and having fun with the process. Thanks for submitting a game to the IGMC 2022.
