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(2 edits)

OMG this was hard.

So, pacifist modes are my jam, and this one is a though one, borderline sadistic I must say, had to be almost perfect for not touching any of the red stuff, plus, you REALLY should add height control to the jumps, the part with the faeries at the bottom really needed that.

Had the same problem the other user had, when I pressed directional keys or space, the page moved along with the game, its a little annoying to play this on browser.

Vision reduction is quite neat, I like the idea of advance while dodging, but further ghosts are harder to kill, so even if you manage to get to them pacifically, well... you dont quite need to attack anymore, because its pointless xD. 

To encourage players to shoot more: it could be a good idea to add red and blue ghosts as well, so they add a little HP or reduce blindness when shot em down, even carefully place them so the game dont be that easy, 'cause I think hard is better in this case.

A thing to make this a lot more fun is to put save points, 'I wanna be the guy' style, since this is hard as nails, I think they will fit well on a full game. Nice music tho, can listen for hours before peacefully dying in hell. : )