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Let me tell you,  swinging or sharing MMF,  any love interest fucking someone else that is not mc will be ntr,  so if your going to add any of those 3 fetishes make sure to put a big warning because most of us dislike that and won't even touch a game with those fetishes even if they are avoidable,  my 2 cents is that you make your mind soon about what kind of fetishes your game will have and what fetishes your game will never have,  because if you want support that is a must for the fanbase to know.  
Good luck and hope you choose wisely.


So many people on this page have no idea what NTR means...

Unless someone is stolen away from the MC (implying an existing or at least budding relationship, can't lose what you don't have), it isn't netorare. Sharing, swinging, or interests you didn't pursue hooking up with someone else are not NTR.


lmao you are dense as fuck,  you are probably a cuck.


Nah. I think NTR is a pest that should be purged from the planet, and I avoid swinging and sharing routes wherever possible. 

But I don't call every single thing I don't like NTR like some imbecile who uses words without knowing what they mean. Heck, even an imbecile can google things. Try it some time, maybe.


that you can't even read my post and think I callled swinging, sharing as ntr is just an example of how retard you are, you say you don't like it but in your profile there's a lot of post where you defend that so called "pest".


I see, you can't even remember your own posts. How sad.

And then you lie about my posting history. But when we actually look at yours, there's only one thing you ever talk about: NTR. You're obsessed with NTR, like a cuck in denial. 


Lmao the only one cuck in denial is you, you are the one that did reply to my posts for starters without even reading at all and without even knowing what ntr means, get a life , this will be my last post to you, ignored from now on, no point wasting my time with trolls.