maybe i'm not paying full attention, but i just entered deep city and i need to fight last before i go to the dragon bog, but i straight up only get damaged by him? i'll keep investigating but i'm a bit stuck there and would appreciate a hint if possible. thanks, loving the game so far!
Hi! Glad you're having fun. I'm happy to give a bit of help.
1) That fight with Last before Dragon Bog requires you to use Revelation.
2) Kithen Fortress is very confusing, admittedly. You'll have to backtrack a few times, as certain laser terminals open other paths. If you'd like, I have a speedrun video here (spoilers of course). The route for Kithen Fortress doesn't use any exploits so you could follow along to find the next step. I don't recommend using this video for any of the other dungeons though.
Thanks so much! I know you said not to, but that speedrun video has been helping me quite a lot (like when i just can't figure out what to do), so i really appreciate that. however i'm fighting the sand worm/leviathan in the desert and when i try to kill the head (after killing the eyes on the rest of the body), the game crashes and i get this error:
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_leviathan_head:
Unable to find any instance for object index '131330' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Object_obj_leviathan_head_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_leviathan_head_Step_0 (line -1)
so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong? i'll continue to work on the rest of the game but not sure how to progress past this.
yeah i tried beating the worm about 3 times and it crashed every time. maybe i'll try again eventually. but yeah, i realized it doesn't drop something essential. just reached the hidden conclave; about to go and fight last at obsidian fortress! i'm super excited and i've been loving this game. thanks for all your replies and helpful hints!