Thank you for the kind words :) and yes! That puts into words perfectly the problem I noticed with our current take on the shop. We originally had the stone as the only unlimited ammo with everything else needing to be restocked, but we thought that it felt bad to run out of ammo in the middle of the round, especially since it’s so easy to accidentally shoot and the fun is in blasting away at things. So to fix this in the future, Im thinking about making it into a more roguelike system, where you start with a base projectile (Stone, rocket, lightning, etc.) and as you complete waves you add modifiers to that base (deadly seeds that’s spawn sharp trees, debris that damages over time, a burn effect, etc.). That way people can play with everything but still have that since of progression and self expression in the playstyle
edit: feel free to follow us if you’re interested in the game and want to see what we do with it in the future!