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Hi Thanks for the Feedback! I really appreciate and dont worry Im somewhat glad those are the only issues you encountered as currently These are all known issues and in fact some of them very much intentional! To address them individually:

-The First Person mode still uses the default Unreal Engine Mannequin hands due to certain discrepencies between the Third person Models and the way the First Person Meshes are set up (The first and third person meshes dont share the same skeletal model this is something Im working on but currently its the best way to go since the sockets dont match up well on the skeletal meshes for the characters so if I had them as the first person meshes they entirely obscure the view which obviously isnt great) so currently in the alpha I'm defaulting to the UE4 Mannequin for first person this will change soon once I can Retarget the 3rd person meshes and animations to properly work in first person so dont worry, its a known issue Im working on!

-Thirst and Hunger decrease currently at 2x the standard rate, this is to make testing easier (making sure new food items and drink items restore the correct amount of thirst or hunger requires the thirst and hunger to decrease a little more rapidly) during testing If I had to wait half an hour for the hunger to hit halfway it would make testing the new updates take MUCH longer.  In addition each are calibrated to decrease more aggressively when doing things like sprinting etc.

-Day and Night Cycle is indeed accelerated this is again for testing purposes, a 10 minute day is much quicker to test than a 40minute day night cycle! Im one person studio so every minute spent waiting for the sun to rotate in game for testing is a minute I cant spend improving the game so it is much accelerated compared to what it will eventually be like, But this too will change in the next update since most of the testing I wanted to do regarding the Cycle is complete at this point.

But I appreciate the feedback and I am working on having version Up in the next day or so. I shall Send you an email Immediately upon upload.

I will Increase the Day/Night Cycle Duration and Adjust the Hunger and thirst mechanics to be a bit less aggressive In the next update so expect that to drop sometime between now and the weekend!

Im so glad your enjoying it so far!

What do you think is a good time Cycle for the Day night?