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I’m not sure, haha. I was able to make this dice roller in about 5 days, but this one’s more complex, and I’m starting to get busy with college stuff. I doubt I’ll have it ready by the end of “Dogust,” but I’m making steady, if admittedly slow, progress.

As a teaser though, here are some still frames from my current draft of the transformation!

I’m not sure if this character, or even this visual style will be what I end up with for the final product (who knows, I might let my scope creep up a bit and try to do more than one character), as this model was adapted from a model by Chained-Tan, and there are some issues with my adaptation that I don’t know how to fix (the elbows in particular, because they used to be a jacket rather than bare arms, haha).

Okay I look forward to seeing it!