A few comments on the new map now that's more fleshed out.
-Sammy breaking the generators is nowhere near enough of threat. In fact you can pretty much ignore her and you'll win before she gets them all. Also even if she went faster, once you're down to 2-3 gens it gets much easier to monitor her rather than try to deal with 6-7 rooms at once. Either there needs to be some kind of penalty for losing some of them, or monitoring Poppy needs to matter ; otherwise the best strategy will be to simply ignore the camera for most of the night. The camera monitoring thing is a problem on the first map as well, since the girls teleport around randomly giving the player no incentive to track them.
-Vents minigame is fine.
-Misty's minigame is a bit too simplistic to be interesting.
-The two that come to your door are a bit more interesting, though it takes them way too long to move out right now.
Graphically it's looking nicer, so there's that at least.