I cannot, for the life of me, get this to work with layered images. It only seems to work for me if I set the function SpriteFocus('sprite_name') per sprite call/update. Here's an example of one of my images and the associated character. I have no idea why this isn't working properly. It does not highlight at all (unless I manually set the sprite focus per call, which is tedious). Thoughts?
define Richard = Character("[Richard_name]", color="#5c00ff", callback = name_callback, cb_name = "ric", image='richard')
layeredimage richard: at sprite_highlight('richard') attribute normal default: "Richard" attribute angry: "Richard ANGRY" attribute annoyed: "Richard ANNOYED" attribute blush: "Richard BLUSH" attribute blush2: "Richard BLUSH 2" attribute crying: "Richard CRYING" attribute crying2: "Richard CRYING 2" attribute surprised: "Richard SURPRISED" attribute worried: "Richard WORRIED"