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Awesome concept similar to the Katamari roll and grow gameplay. Kennymari turns up the difficulty by challenging the player to avoid devastating meteor strikes. When struck by a meteor the player will either incur a minor setback to their progress, or spell disaster (and potential table flip) warranting a level restart if the player's size was too great to come back from. 

Level design was well crafted and thought out. The size of objects around the map was well balanced allowing the player to fall victim to a meteor strike, but still be able to hit another area of the map and regain size quickly. The ramps are a unique challenge when trying to roll a giant ball up to the drop point to feed the worm.

Music is on point, and evolves in tempo and complexity as the game progresses. It gives a sense of urgency and danger to cue the player that they will need to proceed with swift caution in order to complete the game before suffering defeat by the hands of the meteor shower. I enjoyed the lighthearted melody and retro arcade vibe. Paired up well with the gameplay and style.

Kudos to the team for a job well done on this!