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aahh this was such a cute game, from the dialogue to the art style...I loved every moment of this game!!^^

"who was your favorite character and why?"

i'd have to say al! i'm a sucker for characters like him, and the pun with his name tops it off.  his character design is really cute too!!

"what was your favorite scene in the game and why?'

as said before, my favorite is al. so of course, my favorite scene would be one with him featured in it. but the rooftop scene was hilarious and melting for my soft heart at the same time. it was really surprising to see him blush that strongly. i adored how soft and embarrassed he was at the moment, but it was also funny to see the sudden switch in behavior.

"would you want a full length version of this game?"

yes!! besides romance, i'd also like to know more about the cast themselves! 

keep up the good work, and good luck with any of your future projects!!