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  1. Which character was your favorite? Why? Definitely Theo, he's so genuine and sweet. I really like how as soon as we're like you need to communicate better he does!
  2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color? I did!
  3. What's your favorite moment in the game? Getting Luca's bad end first was honestly kind of funny. Like my jaw dropped when he said we're not exclusive right? Like damn I did not forsee this..
  4. Do you want a Mark route? I don't know, he's obviously complex but then there's the glaring truth of him not knowing how to speak to women respectfully and the fact that he was picking up college aged girls in one of Luca's bad ends which make me feel off about him.
  5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced? It's a toss up! I love the voice acting but I read pretty fast so I tend to click through fully voiced games anyways.