Hello. I really like your casual game. I saw that you used the OLC::PixelGameEngine and I appreciate the way you manage the theme. How you create the lightning bolts is really good - the FX is perfect and creates a cool PixelArt. You have a lot of time in order to improve your project. For this reason, I put a brief message so as to give you my first impressions. It's very slow. You should increase speed ball movement, but decrease time between lightning bolts. It could become more frenetic. I guess that you manage time correctly (game becomes harder with time), but at this stage, it is just too slow - almost boring. However, it's a good entry. Well done. I wish you the best ++
PS : I assume you have a vector for the lightning bolts pixels and you manage their alpha color value creating some fading from vector bounds. I would like to read the algorithm in order to create lightning bolts. It seems really clever to me. Displaying on screen is beautiful ++