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(1 edit)

I've given this a few more plays and have started to grasp the mechanics. However there are two issues that I've been having. The first is that the energy supplier radius doesn't seem to be supplying the bigger cytosomes all the time. I don't know if they don't work in parts of the radius, or if they need to be replaced or what.

The second thing is that I saved and exited so I could change the options file, for the ui scale, and when I came back in all the floating bits were gone. Which kind of put a stop to my game since I hadn't gotten my resource collection automated entirely yet. I started a new game and the bits were gone there as well, though they did start spawning in. No spawns on my saved game though.

Anyway besides those issues this is great, and I'm definitely looking forward to where you take it.

I had the same issue with the bits not floating around on my save file , found out I had too press resume for them to spawn again. 

Oh yeah, there they go. Well that saves me from having to restart.