Thanks for spotting the typo on "Seed of Hate", didn't notice it before!
I did some datamining on Chapter 1, and as it turns out, you can have up to 5 randomly generated dreams, each of which discuss a mysterious figure in some detail. The dream you get is picked randomly, but in case you don't wan't spoilers, I'm spacing this out by like 10 lines.
Ok, since you're still here, spoilers it is.
- The meta-character, from what I gathered looking at the chapter 1 file, is possibly a mysterious "Traitor" figure.
- Alessia, or possibly the meta-character, ends the world.
The introduction of the word "traitor" narrows it down... a little, until the indistinction about who ends the world arises. We're back to square one on who it could be, but we now have a single word we might be able to associate with them.
If you've already read the story and are waiting, you have the same file if you know where to find it. No hints though! :)
But anyways, back to our new question for theorycrafting: "Who is the traitor?"
- Theory 1: The Traitor was Nerus/Obli, from originally not dealing with each other before the first Battle of the Aeon.
Makes sense, but it's not really existence- or personality-defying, regardless of how well it'd fit with the above theories. - Theory 2: The Traitor is someone who listened in on the fifth dream. (Pyr, Alessia, the meta-character)
This is my preferred theory, and it'd be a simple solution, but the way in which the interaction took place (from my guess, two archons communicating with each other) there could be a third party. - Theory 3: The Traitor is someone who we know to be involved in the plot to get Nerus back. (Obli, Noch, Aloys)
This assumes the plot to open the portal succeeds, but the world ends as a result of it. It's not implausible that the blame would fall on one of them, whichever one survives. It's hard to say which one to put my money on in terms of who it would be, though. - Theory 4: Going off of the above two theories, the Traitor is Noch.
Noch is a common thread between theories 2 and 3. A second archon was listening in, possibly being the one who the first archon was talking to, and they responded. The main part that doesn't line up is the human-like psychology of the meta-character, but if Noch did risk the end of the world, mortality might have been seen as a punishment, and a strange psychology to go to it. Also, the meta-character was somewhat interested in what was going on, so...
Plus, rodrod's profile picture is of Noch, although that's just cherry-picking; we don't know exactly who was listening in.