I'm native Chinese speaker, so I can give advice for Chinese text. In fact, for Chinese words, you can think each character a word, so you can break a sentence at any position. For example:
You can break it at any position to make the line as long as possible(If our panel width is about 20 characters' width):
我举个例子,这是一个文字比较多比较长断句 需要有点讲究的句子给开发者参考一下怎么断 句比较好。
That is good, first two line take the width as big as possible and have same width, look nice. But if I change the text to :
我举个例子,这是一个文字比较多比较长断句 需要有点讲究的句子给开发者参考一下怎么断 ,会比较好。
You can see there is a "," at the beginning of third line, it is acceptable here, however it is better to make it at the end of the second line if possible.
I guess the complex thing is Chinese English mixtures. For example:
我举个混用的例子,我去Carrefore Stores买了一双鞋。
我举个混用的例子,我去Carrefore Stores 买了一双鞋。
That is good. But it is not good for this:
我举个混用的例子,我去Carrefore Stores买了一双鞋。
Because it can contains "Stores" at the first line, but it doesn't. The key is that you can break English word before/behind Chinese character.