With regards to improvement:
The segment where you are collecting food items while avoiding the stones can get tiresome considering how long it is. Either having this segment be shorter or having the playtester do different things along this path would make it a bit more interesting. One side note is that sometimes, even when not directly under the stone, you can still get flattened if you are too close to the side of the stone.
When playing hide and seek with the fish, having a randomized order would probably be a bit better. However, considering how many of the endings are accessed by doing the hide and seek game, I can see why it'd be good to keep the door order the same.
Similar to someone else's point, having the cloud creature do a quick jumpscare if it catches you would be good for some tension. I did run into a bug where it seems to have caught me, but I couldn't access the doors, and I had to "skip" the minigame. There also could've been another ending if the cloud creature gets you.
Overall, I enjoyed the game. Getting additional bits of the story through the multiple endings adds incentive to actually try and achieve multiple endings, and I was interested in the story as well. Thanks for letting me know about your game.