A really cool and unique idea I don't think I've seen anywhere else. The neon art style is really pleasing to look at! This game breaks the mold to high challenge games!
I wish that the controls and mechanics were communicated. It took me a while to figure out you could bump the purple thing up. There were so many times where I would accidentally bump it into a place where I couldn't reach it, and with no apparent way to reset the current position, I had to totally restart. I think this is because the bullets don't disappear when restarting, because a bullet would come back and hit it behind me. I understand the challenging part, but it's no fun when I can't progress because it would get stuck where I can't reset. Hopefully that helps!
Other than that it was challenging and fun!
Otherwise I'd love to play this again later if you plan on working on it more! Thanks for making it!