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I just finished the demo, this game is incredible! I'm really looking forward to seeing future chapters. The writing is exceptionally sharp and it's also very fast-paced, getting to the spicy stuff quickly while still setting up a large cast of characters. I would recommend anyone that is a fan of other adventure/visual novel series like Danganronpa or Zero Escape to give this project a try. While this game feels like it draws influence from those titles and similar ones in the genre, I think it manages to carve out its own identity, due mainly to the wonderful art and writing. The developer also makes good use of characters interrupting each other mid-sentence, which isn't seen enough in this medium.

I played the updated demo patch and didn't encounter any bugs or issues, so it seems like those were all resolved. The puzzles so far have been pretty logical and not too frustrating. I'm really excited to see where the story goes from here and how the game mechanics continue to develop. This is an impressive high-quality project for a solo dev, and so I hope D-MO is able to eventually finish this game. I'll definitely be following any updates!


This is such a dream review—especially since I uploaded the project with no clue on how it would be received by players. It's an honor to be compared with giants in the genre! 

I'm glad you mentioned the pacing, which was actually something I was concerned about during development. I think I was worried about overloading the player with exposition/information, so I tried to hit puzzles and plot beats as soon as possible—players can seek out the optional scenes/dialogue if they choose to do so. I planned for the prologue and first chapter to be short since they're so early in the story. Right now, I'm wondering if I should keep a similar pace for future chapters, or if I should slow things down. 

In short, thank you for writing such a nice and enthusiastic comment! This is definite motivation to get the next chapter out!! ♡♡♡

Of course, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! Personally, I have really enjoyed the fast pace, but taking time to develop the cast is an important consideration, I'm excited to see how you will handle the characters in the future.

Also, I left you a DM on your Instagram, not sure if you got a chance to see it. Anyways, good luck with the next chapter! Definitely going to suggest this game to some friends.