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Interesting concept and nice visuals!

Unfortunately I found the game a bit frustrating for a couple reasons: first, the player feels a bit too slippery, causing me to end up sliding into spikes unexpectedly.

Secondly, it was kinda hard for me to gauge the jump power, and it was especially hard to control the jump when I tried to jump quickly after touching ground (to avoid sliding into spikes for example).

All in all the game is very cool, maybe I'm just bad :D

Thank you for your feedback!

I'd like to say that the game is meant to be hard. At least, harder than most games. But then again, fairly easier than games like Jump King or Pogostuck.

The sliding into spikes is intentional. As weird as it sounds, I wanted the game to be frustrating and even designed levels whilst keeping that in mind.

The jump power measurement is not user-friendly, I agree. Basically the longer the 'click and drag', the more the jump force, but the max is capped.

A trick to prevent sliding into spikes isn't to jump upwards, but to 'click and drag' in the direction opposite to which the player is moving to cancel out the momentum (not intentional but works fairly well).

You're not bad, the game is just like that dw xD.

Thank you so much for playing!!