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(1 edit)

You can also do the following

Repeat [forever]
|   Repeat [until inventory full]
|   |   Move to Log Storage
|   |   Take from Log Storage
|   |   Stow held item
|   |__
|   Repeat [until inventory empty]
|   |   Find nearest unwound Workerbot
|   |   Move to Basic Workerbot
|   |   Recharge Workerbot
|   |__

This way it will start by taking enough logs to work for a long time, and when it's got no Logs left in it's inventory, meaning it just used up the last log available, it will fill its inventory again.

Instead of using the first in the following code, you can choose the bot to take different amounts. If you don't want the bot to take out so many logs at once, set it to only take 3 for example. This way it has three logs in it's inventory and takes another three after they are all burned up 

(1)    Repeat [until inventory full]
(2)    Repeat [times] [3]