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(1 edit)

Sorry for bothering everybody here, but does the Casket Version have a playthrough anywhere? I’ve been playing for hours but I’m still stuck. There’s a room with the Knockback theme where you’re seemingly supposed to launch yourself two times to get to the next room, but the first time would always miss by a tiny margin and send me into spikes. I thought I got the wrong order and instead tried the elevated room that also played Knockback, but once I entered another room I couldn’t make my way back nor could I progress because to get to the next room, I would have to pull myself, but that would mean blocking my way with the very block used for pulling myself. I also couldn’t solve the puzzle in the room where Angular played regardless of how diagonal I aimed or which part of the room I stuck myself to; it just looked impossible to me. I tried to replay three times already, but I couldn’t progress no matter what. Maybe I just couldn’t come up with a solution, so I would like to see how somebody managed to beat the Casket Version v0.001.  


I think I know which room you're referring to, which I also got stuck on, and it's actually an exit for another section. The launching mechanism also takes some getting used to, and I initially didn't realize a couple things about it: 1. the boost lasts a for a second or two, and while it's active you can jump a second time if you're on flat ground. 2. you can let go of the direction keys while you are being pulled, which makes it easier to launch when you decide to. I had a lot more luck in this game after leaving for a while and coming back. As for me, I'm now stuck on a later section. If I figure out how to beat it, I'll upload a playthrough!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much. I wasn’t very bright when I kept jumping immediately anytime I tried to launch myself. Thanks to you, I have finally managed to finish the game!
Also, a playthrough would be apppreciated, by more than just me.A lot of obscure games have few to no playthroughs at all and they sometimes don’t come with a comment section that could help anybody like me who get stuck. Even while playing this game, I confused myself more times than necessary so any guide would be a plus in my book. Additionally, if you uploaded it on a popular platform, it could probably reach those who played the original Game Jam Version but didn’t know about the Casket Version.

CaN YoU PlEaSe dO It nOw?/?

I got stuck whet getting the sixth (or maybe seventh?) casket in the room with a casket high up