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(1 edit)

See if you can beat me :D

Almost >:)

did it, now you try to beat mine :]

WEll, congretilations. i just cant beat your time. well done. :D (how did you do it!!!!!!!) 

(2 edits)

Too much time spent playing the original

I had a few optimizations which saved a few seconds (the two main ones were going under the crumbling blocks in the last room of stage 1, and a one-cycle strategy for the room after that), but overall nothing crazy so it's probably a matter of cleaning up movement.

I tried for a little longer to see how low I could get and I got a 1:29. I think with my current strats a 1:25 is possible, although celeste 2 has some crazy tech so I'm sure much lower times are possible. In any case I think I'm done lol. GG, you definitely gave me a run for my money :)

ah, but you died three times. the time you would get if you dindt would be like 1.20?