Thank you so much for the thorough report!! <3
A lot of them I missed, so hopefully I can fix them in the next patch!
1. There's a way for you to move it without enough agility. But... I'll add a door next patch :0
2. Ahhh... I guess I'll have to fix it.
3. The Axe and Charm are not supposed to reappear. So I'll fix them.
4. I think moving both statue in once is intended. But weird because when I playtested it myself earlier it doesn't stack. I'll check it out.
5. Hmmm... I don't know how to fix this haha~ would be weird if you don't wear anything but a plushie.
6. Eh? I think you'd have to defeat the first golem for the quest to appear...? but maybe the sequence needs some polishing.
7. Ahhh I know! So sorry about it. Totally forgot the lust mechanism :0