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This game surprisingly wasn't that bad, I was surprised by the storyline and how it was actually engrossing. But a few things I noticed that I think would be good to take into account moving forward.

1) There was no mention at ALL anywhere on this page that this game had any horror aspects to it. And the topics revolving the horror aspect are fairly dark too. I was not expecting the jumpscares at all when they happened. I'm not super happy with horror being forced onto me without my knowledge first. Either: a) tag/advertise this as a romance/horror or (b) give a warning at the beginning of the game, as well as an option to disable that feature (as long as it's not relevant to the story).

2) The minigame. I don't have the best hand-eye coordination, but the minigames were seriously buggy/laggy. Even when I'd press the key as it hovered over the symbol, it wouldn't go through and my streak would disappear. Sometimes I don't even think it would count altogether. Also, it was ridiculously hard, even after playing it like 5+ times. Maybe include an option in the settings to select the difficulty level of the minigames? That way it'll feel more accessible. Or maybe offer different variety of minigames in case some people don't like rhythm games like that? I'm not a huge fan but that's not the main issue.

3) The game itself was kinda laggy, and it was hard to know what things I should click on to interact with. It wasn't always super clear. And the magnifying glass in the corner was helpful, but even when I'd click on things I'd have to try 2-3 times. 

4) Someone had mentioned this in the comments, but including "Dark Skin" as a theme/feature to be included in future updates? This is extremely problematic and ignorant. This comes across as a huge fetishization of dark skin people, which is already still a huge issue in today's climate. I'd really recommend either deleting that from your list of "themes". It's not a theme to feature or something to desire in such an objectifying way. And as a dark skin person myself I find it a little gross. Having a variety of skin tones among a cast of characters should be a norm anyways. 


boo hoo


cope+mald+seethe+yb better


1. Thanks for warning me about jumpscares.

2-3. Developer could try optimizing but other than that, it might be because you have too much storage being used, too many tabs/apps open or processing in the background, or you need to get a better device.

4. That is a you problem. The kink has been known as "Ebony" all over the porn community. It's not going to change, so don't be a snowflake. You don't see Japanese/Asian people complaining about their race being the number one searched race in porn, do you?