Your game otherwise looks pretty polished, but the character portraits are absolutely out of place. I'm guessing you are going for something that looks bad in a charming way, as I see what you have going on there with Lucerne and these backgrounds. But beware that, if these are not placeholders, you are going to filter most of your potential players.
Please use typewriter effects for your dialogue. It's disorienting when there's something happening but the characters speak in normal speed, their pictures don't move and there's no sfx.
It's hard to tell at a glance friendly units from enemies, and that hurts legibility.
Being able to use the mouse to navigate menus but not to flip dialogue is weird. It should be possible to get through combat menus with keyboard only as well. With SRPGs I usually get into a muscle memory mode where I quickly input a combination of buttons to get to a given command from generic menus, but that's not possible here due to the mouse pointer being required.
I have currently put this game on hold after, during the first mission, I became unable to select any units and moving my selection no longer got the camera follow it. I couldn't figure out how to get out of that state or what it was, if it wasn't a glitch. Some part of the game might be thinking I'm in an unit selected state when I'm not, as the camera is centered on an unit I think I was trying to select. I might come back to it later, though.