thank you!
I didn't think that the response will be so fast...;D
About the 'skip' button - it's quite often feature in visual novels - it let's you skip the text that was already read (usually it's CTRL button) up to the place with the choice. There is also possibility of skipping the unread text also - usually the Dev put's those option in the 'settings' menu. Most often the 'settinggs' menu has the: text speed, autoread speed, sound volume, voice volume, background music volume, window/fullscreen mode, skip all text/skip only read text, back option (let us go to the previous text or choices). Sometimes there are some additional option like font to choose.
'Skip' or 'fast forward' are useful when reading VN with choices - it allows for checking different routs and scenarios without being forced to re-read the same text ^^ and with possibility of multiple saves checking other choices becomes easier ;D