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Hey there Starmage, I got your game for judging so here are some of my thoughts. The story seemed interesting, playing as a journalist in the middle of a 'zombie' attack was cool. It's a shame that him being a journalist didn't really come into play once he got a gun. The art you chose and made was nice, and fit the game well. I enjoyed the astral projection segments, though if I was caught by a ghost is was pretty much game over since it could damage me over and over instead of moving off of my tile. But since I could just hop back into it it wasn't a huge issue.

Battles were a mixed bag for me. I liked the different weaknesses and strategy that was needed for each battle, but the sudden jump in difficulty in the second area made them unenjoyable. And it could just be my bad luck, but the random battles happened often and my multi-hit attacks often missed one or two hits which caused me to lose a few times to normal foes... I also wasn't able to beat the game due to getting killed repeatedly by the final (at least I hope it was the final) boss battle. I'm not sure if you wanted me to grind more or to figure out a specific strategy, but I kept getting smashed by the big demon and trying to revive my K.O.ed party members just wasn't working since they'd get taken out pretty much right away.

Overall, it's clear that you know what you're doing when it comes to making battles more than just 'spam attack'. Unfortunately the jump in battle difficulty, especially at the end, soured the whole experience for me. I do hope you spend a bit more time balancing this game since the idea and systems are good, it just needs a bit more polish.