I've never really been that into text adventures, but this here is something special, having audio reinforce the environment makes it so much more immersive and interesting. I think the glow worms could have used maybe a little bit more explanation / tutorial, but the idea is quite interesting, and I think there's a lot more you could do with it too, maybe fishing & you gotta reel in and stop reeling at the right times, a maze with directional audio helping guide you, trying to sneak by someone and timing footsteps to thunder. It's great that the music grows and changes with the situation too, all smoothly, no sudden janks, it's all really smooth, which I'm a big fan of. The crispness of the UI is something that stands out for me too, as someone already pointed out, having up to repeat the last command and maybe tab for autocomplete would be good but since the game is short and sweet those QoL things aren't too amiss. Really cool stuff!