I don't know what you think is incomplete. It does not foresee any major changes yet.
A complete BASIC dialect means 100% BASIC syntax.
( https://pl-wikibooks-org.translate.goog/wiki/BasicC/Operatory?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=zh-TW&_x_tr_pto=wapp )
For example, ordinary BASIC dialects don't use Let(X,Y). They use Let X=Y or X=Y. If you change the syntax of BasicC to 100% BASIC syntax, it may be more easier for you to promote this programming language. More popular.
There is no such thing as 100% basic syntax, every basic syntax is different. Eg RCBasic uses Wait (time), "ordinary" BASIC dialects use Pause time... <--- Hello, I understand what you meant. However, I didn't mean the syntax mentioned by you.
Actually, I meant the following kind of syntax:
In BasicC, uses C syntax in: "==" for equality, "! =" for inequality.
But In all real BASIC dialects( or 100% BASIC dialects): use "=" and "<>".
In other words, I want to ask this question: "Will you change the C syntax inside BasicC to BASIC syntax in future versions of BasicC? Thus your dialect(BasicC) will become a 100% BASIC dialect.