I was very sad for the grandma. She tried so hard to stay in touch with Trevor and gave him lots of love, but she did not get any in return. I think this game captured the life of some elderly people very well and how much they can enjoy the time with their grandchildren. At the beginning of each day I was really hoping Trevor would show up this time or at least write a letter.
The mechanic of writing a letter at the end of each day was very clever! Similar to Amaan I could not bring myself to play the mean granny, even though I wanted to >_< I wonder if what you write actually influences the outcome? Anyway, it really immersed me in the story and made me think about it.
As I usually try to give a little bit of critical feedback as well, here it is: It was not so clear to me what button to press to progress the story. I just mashed every key on my keyboard and eventually found it to be E. I was also wondering why writing the letter to Trevor was not on the To-do list as well? The first day I was a little confused what to do when I had done all my tasks. A final thing is when I had to chop wood I tried going out the front door, but this did work :)
But, that said, I really enjoyed this game a lot and appreciated very much what you were going for. I fully agree that the time we spent with our grandparents is valuable and we should not neglect them :) Thanks a lot for making this! Great job! ^_^