After thinking about it, the problem could be on my end. I keep my security software puffed up to maximum paranoia mode, and that is probably slowing down the handshake between my computer and your server. I played another MMO yesterday and that one seemed to take an extra long moment to connect, also. If nobody else is encountering the same wait time as I do, I'd suggest don't worry about it. It all seems fine once the connection happens.
And also, you are welcome. The best way you could thank me is by making something awesome out of your game. The MMO genre has turned to garbage over the last 10 or so years. The mainstream industry has fallen into a total disconnect with what makes an online game really enjoyable for the player. It's only indie developers like you who have the potential to make the change the world needs and reverse the decline of our standard of excellence. No pressure! Just go save the world, that's all.