The art is amazing! but a couple things i noticed, since i also code in Godot.
The character doesn't feel responsive - this is due to several things.
1. the character does not "bump" on a ceiling. to do this, simply check if is_on_ceiling() and set the y velocity as such.
2.the character rockets downwards when stepping off of something due to something similar - their y velocity doesnt stop building up when they're on the ground. add is_on_floor() and set y to zero every frame (its a good bandaid solution, im sure theres a better one)
3. character feels slow. this is due to the jump height being so large. either decrease it, or make it so that several jump height is variable
4. characters or bomb hitbox are wayy to big - decrease the collision2D size considerably.
The art in this game is amazing though! the doors feel responsive, and this is some decent level design!