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we've only gotten 2 'weekly' updates in the last two months. Let that show where our expectations are at lol

(4 edits)

Banchu> I'm very sorry, I'll try to keep my promises next time then. i wanted to do an update but when you are in a team everything takes double the time (we literally had a 2 hour meeting today just for a story point to be changed...) and I didn't want to post an empty update week when I could have some things to present if I waited a bit more...
Thank you for calling me out, I will do my best to post every week even if there are no updates then.

123> Please don't be passive aggressive with me in every single comment you post, I'm doing the best I can to keep those projects going everyday and stressing me out do not help at all. If you are that unhappy please send me a mail and I will send you out your "Donation to support" our work from my own pocket.

I think you are doing a great job at keeping us updated FWIW.


just do what you gotta do. delays are undesirable but anticipated. even if its not an update but just saying hi or letting us know whether production has been slow that week is fine. that'll keep us, at least, in the know of what's happening. still, thank you for giving me a chance to play management uncensored and in english and i might grow to love demon's dream as well.

Thank you for the reply. All I want to know is just that these 2 projects are still being worked on (for me especially Muscle Management). Thanks for the hard work