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Fun game! Even though it isn't my kind of game, never been a fan of 3d platforming. I just have few notes and suggestions:

  • No invert mouse option, please add! I can play with both but it takes bit of time to get used to, greatly prefer invert.
  • Higher max mouse sens, I maxed it out but still felt a bit too low to what I would've liked on my machine.
  • Being able to hold jump to swim, maybe have it be slower than tapping.
  • Hold crouch key option.
  • The options reset after the tutorial, also on restart.
  • Is there a reason to why the interact button and LMB are separate? Seems to me you could streamline it to just one (I kept trying to use LMB for everything), but I might be missing something.
  • The options menu being under Workshop is pretty odd, but I get why its like that.
  • Levers could be more visible, they really blend into the environment.
  • It would be cool if there was an option to enable a small mana HUD around the crosshair - just a circle a three dots.
  • I didn't really notice any bugs, except for the camera clipping through the ceiling a few times.
  • It could be a good idea to have the very first level(s) be extremely easy, a newborn tier with just a very few amount of rooms. Or have the first dungeon you play have infinite time, I know there's a "skill" for that but its not something you'd, probably, enable the first time you play. Would help new players get their bearings better.
  • Some random clutter, doodads, etc on the ground, walls, and ceilings would really help navigation.
  • I really dislike tutorials and usually skip them, but I found it pretty alright here so good job. Oh and in the vid if you're wondering what the fuck I was doing at some point I was trying to bug it out but I couldn't.
  • I think I remember you saying you didn't want to do it but I really wish the entire room menu was a 3d menu like a level. Would fit great with the theme and could be cool to be able to try out different "skills" and look at the different guests you can purchase etc. (Also hide some secrets around the place)

I recorded some gameplay, but its without commentary:

Thanks for playing, and recording gameplay. I wanted to reply to you as soon as possible so I haven't watched the recordings yet, but they are going to be very useful. I am also going to upload an update today, so any feedback I got from you which I haven't addressed is going to be used in future.

>No invert mouse option, please add!

Will do. The options are still barebone, and I think you are the first person to ask for them, but I will definitely add them in near future.

>Higher max mouse sens

No problem, how much higher do you think I should go?

>Being able to hold jump to swim, maybe have it be slower than tapping.

Just to clarify, that's just for swimming up, right? For faster swimming upwards (and any direction) I wanted to nudge players to use dash. I will need to test how it would work.

>Hold crouch key option

A toggle option for crouch, right? I have been asked about that before. I still don't think it would work based on how I play, but I will need to add it even if I don't recommend it.

>The options reset after the tutorial, also on restart.

Yes, I still have no saving implemented.

>Is there a reason to why the interact button and LMB are separate?

LMB is for picking up and throwing crates, and E is for all interaction. That way you can carry a crate, and still interact without throwing it. Another reason is because there is a Seal "Ability: Siphon Crates", which gives crates an E interaction. I have more things planned, which is going to make separation between them clearer.

>The options menu being under Workshop is pretty odd, but I get why its like that.

I decided to change it in the next update. At first I wanted it to be a separate location with some dwarf NPC, and the player would "tinker" with options, which is why it was a workshop, but enough people commented on that for me to change my mind on it. Hopefully it is not going to break the "immersion".

>Levers could be more visible, they really blend into the environment.

There is a Seal "Ability: Show Links", which helps locating levers.

>It would be cool if there was an option to enable a small mana HUD around the crosshair - just a circle a three dots.

That's a cool suggestion. I don't know if it is not going to be too obstructive, especially if the player is going to have more than 3 max mana, but an option for that would be good. Thanks.

>I didn't really notice any bugs, except for the camera clipping through the ceiling a few times.

As far as I know that only happens on Windows build, which is very odd to me. I tried to fix it in new version, but I am not able to test it right now. I am happy to here you did not notice any other bugs.

>It could be a good idea to have the very first level(s) be extremely easy,

New version has much smaller, and easier Magic Mirror room for the first 3 days. I also changed the default Seals to give players even more time. I also plan on locking The Sealing Chamber in future for the first couple of days, and not give all 80 Seals right from the get go. I also have plans for some sort of day 0 after cutscene with maybe just 3 or 4 rooms in future.

>Some random clutter, doodads, etc on the ground, walls, and ceilings would really help navigation.

Yes, I plan on many decorations, some also randomized to help distinguishing rooms, which is why there are some odd empty spaces in some rooms.

>I really dislike tutorials and usually skip them, but I found it pretty alright here so good job.

I think you're the first. New version has even less text, and I am going to have some images in future.

>in the vid if you're wondering what the fuck I was doing at some point I was trying to bug it out but I couldn't.

I look forward to watching that.

>I think I remember you saying you didn't want to do it but I really wish the entire room menu was a 3d menu like a level. Would fit great with the theme and could be cool to be able to try out different "skills" and look at the different guests you can purchase etc. (Also hide some secrets around the place).

I actually had a walk-able hub area long time ago, but it was very slow to get from one thing to another, especially if I wanted to convey the scale of the whole place. My current plan what I am building towards is have all those locations as separate scenes with bottom bar acting as a quick travel. In future every location is going to have their NPCs, and buttons to rotate between different camera angles, so you are going to be able to "explore" by just pressing buttons.

As for trying out different skills, and general practising, I am going to have a training room in future.

Thanks for the video recordings. I am going to watch them after I upload the newest version.