I feel like I must be missing something, but I only ever made it to the not-the-worst ending.
- After getting into deep mode, I'd constantly be put on the waitlist, no matter when I entered deep mode (and generated a profile). I thought maybe I'd try using up more authentication tries and that would change the outcome, but I got the same few generated profiles.
- I wondered if I had to find something in deep mode before the error was generated, but I didn't get enough feedback that that was necessarily the right path, and maybe I was just trying to make up a goal for myself in the puzzle - the "you failed, try again" text gave me hints to get to deep mode, which I'd already found, so I ran out of ideas there and stopped.
Still, it's very intriguing and I'm sure there's more to it from the comments below. The evolving tooltips that I DID find cranked up my curiosity and my need-to-explore reflex like crazy before I ran up against the not-the-worst ending a few times.