- Chatting with town NPCs is done via approaching and interacting (left mouse button) or targeting the npc (middle mouse button) then using the quick command 'Chat' (hold right mouse button, hover over Chat and release button), while"No Thanks" type of messages usually appear after unsuccessful milk cup offer.
- "I need for taming a new sheep"
*[Free Mode] recipes are spreaded through the map, just explore and open treasure chests (paying blacksmith will give you clues on their location)
*[Story Mode] All recipes so far are learned via story progression. Sheep recipe is learned via a story side quest in the first chapters. I would recommend passing the story to get a better understanding of the game's mechanics.
- "Mix" milk cannot be offered to town people (no one will want to drink that). It can be used on the player tho (self drinks for it's boost effects). The Mix is created if a collector is filled with 2 different milk combos (had kelpie x bunny, then poured in kelpie x cow = mix), it's ok if it's other kelpie or bunny (don't have to be the same ones) or are of different levels.
- "used the keyboard instead of clicking on which brew I wanted" actually, apart from quick commands mouse can't be used for other UI (shops,book,menus). I will add a note on the screen in later iterations.
- "I have not been trying anything but the "mix" " i'll add this to the list, specify the offered/current mix on people's offer deny.
P.S. More info on Milk Cups offering can be found lower in comments (reply to Orathorium).
Thank you for the info and my apologies for the created discomfort,